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Contact us

You can contact us through the following ways, welcome business consultation, timely understanding of your needs

Jiangmen xinhui huayuan pipe pile co. LTD

Address: lianhe chunhewei, sanjiang town, xinhui district, jiangmen city

Telephone: 0750-6973988

Fax: 0750-6973982

Web address :www.jmhygroup.com

Jiangmen jianghai huayuan concrete co. LTD

Address: no. 21, liyi road, lile town, jianghai district, jiangmen city

Office telephone number: 0750-3611638

Telephone number of the control room: 0750-3617268/3616212/3616388

Fax: 0750-3613908

Jiangmen xinhui huayuan pipe pile co. LTD. Concrete plant

Address: no. 8, lisheng sixth road, sanjiang town, xinhui district, jiangmen city

Telephone number :0750-6972388 6979388

Via fax: 0750-6972123

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